
Digital Teaching Symposium

Here’s a very cool opportunity for professional development, especially if anything you teach is online!

Register now for the Anthology (Blackboard’s parent company) Digital Teaching Symposium on Thursday, 11/2!

Here’s the link: Anthology Symposium

Join Us on Slack!

Slack is a community workspace website, desktop app and phone app where we can talk to each other, exchange ideas, work on projects, clarify dates, etc. instantly. Things can be shared in themed groups called channels, or in private messages between users (like a text), or to the group in general.

You know, like what people who actually like each other and work together do. 😉

It’s pretty great.

Join us. 🙂

  1. Go to
  2. Use your CASC email account to sign in
  3. Join the CASC Online workspace!
  4. Say hi in the #general channel, or send a message to anyone.
  5. Download the app to your phone and sign in using the same credentials.

Enrollment is Coming!

Please consider downloading this image, then posting it as an announcement to your online courses!

Dates and info for Enrollment Spring 2024

Blackboard Ultra Training is Coming!

We are beginning the process of transitioning to Blackboard Ultra. You’ll find the workflow and aesthetic to be simpler and cleaner for both you and your students. Here’s our project timeline:

We are SO THANKFUL for our early adopters, who will be recieving training and coaching starting in March:

Instructors in these areas should now have access to their Fall 2024 shells WAY ahead of time, so that we can convert those to Ultra, train, explore and build. Training is coming in March 2024! Funds have been secured for live training from Blackboard Ultra experts, who will also help us convert our existing course content to the Ultra look and feel.

If you have any questions, or would like to get on the next early adopters list, email the Director of Online Learning (Sarah Brown) at [email protected]

Good things, big times! 🙂

Welcome to the Vike Hub!

This is a space designed to support YOU.

We’ll keep it simple – any here either A. is trying to make your life easier, or B. is investing in your development as a professional.

It’s not a doomscroll device…it’s a hopequest endeavor.

Tell us what you need – we’ll get to it. In the meantime, enjoy the feed!