
Professional Development Opportunity

As I’m sure you’re aware, CASC Online Instructors are required to complete 4 hours of online-related professional development hours per calendar year. Here’s a great way to knock out most of them at once!

Be sure to register for the OKLIS workshops on Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) September 13! You can attend live OR request the recording via the form below. This is a great opportunity to get in-depth training on RSI! We strongly encourage faculty, instructional designers, and administrators to take advantage of this professional development opportunity! Those who register for either the synchronous or asynchronous option will have the opportunity to complete a follow-up assessment and earn a digital badge!

Please register using one of the following links:

Live Attendee Registration (will receive a Zoom link AND the recording)

Asynchronous Registration (will receive the recording, not a Zoom link)

Good, Short Podcast

Are there any other kinds? Check this out on your favorite streaming platform for encouragement and ideas.

Want to be a Podcaster?

OKLIS (Oklahoma Learning Innovations Summit) is hosting a Virtual Session on Digital Media, with a focus on Podcasing and Immersive VR!

Friday, Feb. 23, 11am-1pm

Register for this free session and get some of your Online PD hours taken care of!

Here’s the link for more info and to register:

Online Professional Development

Here are a couple of online professional development opportunities to get in on! These will help you get your required PD hours (4 per year for online instructors), and they’re “homegrown” – from our own OK institutions.

OKLIS January Session

OKLIS (Oklahoma Learning Innovations Summit) is offering the following for January…

Virtual OKLIS Session January 26, 11am on Accessibility

This two-part session will include:

Register to Attend or Receive the Recording

2023 OK OER Summit

Interested in Open Educational Resources (OER) – what it is, how it helps students, and how to incorporate it into your teaching?

Want to develop an OER yourself…?

Need some Professional Development?

Click on the image below! (and if you want to go in person, let me know ASAP)