
Simple Syllabus

Our syllabus upgrade is here! To edit your syllabi, complete the following steps:

  1. navigate to: (also, the link is always in the left menu in VikeHub for your convenience)
  2. Log in with your CASC credentials
  3. See your “to-do” list with all your syllabi listed; click “edit” to go inside each one. (see the recording and instructions from Larissa Mireles, our onboarding support person, in her email from yesterday for more detailed information).
  4. Any edits will automatically update for your students to see through Blackboard. (Nice, right?)

Next, you’ll need to add a link to your Blackboard courses so your students can see your syllabi. Use the How-To instructions in the “Resources and Documents” page of this site!

Lecture Capture Lab: Video Tutorial

Still haven’t made it over to the Lecture Capture Lab?? You’re officially behind the times. 😉 Here’s a video tutorial of how to use it, and a great glance into what it looks like inside! It’s SO easy and the payout is SO big in professional-grade videos and sound.

Want to be a Podcaster?

OKLIS (Oklahoma Learning Innovations Summit) is hosting a Virtual Session on Digital Media, with a focus on Podcasing and Immersive VR!

Friday, Feb. 23, 11am-1pm

Register for this free session and get some of your Online PD hours taken care of!

Here’s the link for more info and to register:

How To Make Discussion Boards Less Painful

Discussion boards in online courses are probably one of the most misunderstood and potential-filled tools that exist in the online world. This misunderstanding leads to a lack-luster and obligatory use, which nobody enjoys or finds value in. The potential of discussion boards, though, lie in recognizing what they’re for.

They aren’t meant to take the place of in-class, live discussion. Nothing can replace that. But they are meant to provide a space for student-student interaction, student-instructor interaction, and discovery by all involved.

Here’s an awesome (short) video with some tips, if you’re wanting to make your discussion boards more awesome and less painful.

AI Tools

Teaching with AI is fun/hard/weird/unsettling/surprising/all of the above.

ChatGPT gets all the press (plus, saying “ChatGPT” sounds techy and cool), but did you know there are waaaaay more AI Tools out there? To do more things than just generate text?

Oklahoma’s own Dr. Buck Dodd has made an AI Toolkit available through his company ClearKinetic. Check it out below to explore more of what AI can do!

Leave a comment below if you’ve used some in the online or F2F (face-to-face for all you cool kids) classroom.

Creating with AI Toolkit